What is Ionization?

Ionization Technology
Ionization technology is based on the silver-copper water disinfection system developed by NASA for the utility water in space stations in the 1960s.
It has been practiced in the United States and Europe since 1988 and is specified in all relevant health standards. Today, it has come into standard use in hospitals, schools, hotels, municipalities and universities.
With this technology produced by Iyontek in Turkey, silver-copper ions mixed with water through electrodes terminates the energy exchange of micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, algae and fungi within the cell and thereby prevents the microorganismic enzymes from working and provides permanent hygiene.

In the light of research conducted by international health authorities (WHO, EPA, NSF and HSE), it has been shown that silver and copper ions are at least 80 times more effective on standard bacteria than chlorine.
Since it is permanent and does not evaporate like salt - chlorine, the values of your pool are always suitable for health conditions. In villa pools, you leave the chemical completely, in other pools you can reduce it by at least 80%.
With Iyontek, you don't have to worry anymore.
In a few days time, without harmful chemicals you can have naturally pure water that is safe to swim and enjoy.
Why Iyontek?

Benefits of Ionization
Reduces chemical products by 80% in large pools, you never use it in villa pools.
Since the ions do not have a caustic (oxidizing) effect, they do not harm the pool machinery and installations.
Since it does not affect the pH balance, you do not need to use pH-lowering acids.
The technology pays for itself in 4 months with your chemical savings.
After 4 months, your budget decreases by 80% and you start saving.
Time-consuming and costly methods such as shocking, backwashing and sweeping are minimized.
Since ions do not evaporate, it is 80 times more successful in fighting micro-organisms than chlorine.
The water becomes more silky and soft.
The taste of the water does not change and the chlorine smell in the area where the pool is located is reset.
No chemical effects such as red eye, skin rash or itching.
Thanks to copper, algae formation is prevented.
It does not form 'Trihalomethan' which is a carcinogenic substance.
The release of chlorine gas into the atmosphere is prevented.
Chemical products are prevented from mixing with soil or irrigation systems, No live deaths or illnesses.
Silver, copper and zinc minerals provide a beneficial fertilizer effect in the soil.
As a result of the reduction in the number of backwashes, water consumption is reduced.
Since there is no stabilizer, there is no accumulation of 'cyanuric acid'.
It reduces energy consumption and carbon emissions as it is a green technology compatible with a sustainable life policy.
Usage Areas

According to the March 2010 circular of the Ministry of Health, the usage range of free chlorine is kept between 1 and 3 ppm, while this rate can be kept between 0.3 and 0.6 ppm if an additional technology such as ionization is used. Therefore, we keep ionization and chlorine use at levels that do not pose a health risk. Chlorine disappears at a rate of 70% in 2 hours in outdoor pools, while ions do not evaporate from the pool water in any way. Therefore, we provide permanent disinfection in your pool.

Hospital and Hotel Usage Areas
It has been known since 1988 in America and Europe that it can definitively and permanently destroy bacteria such as 'Legionella Pheumophila' (Legionary), 'Escherichia Coli' (E.Coli) and 'Streptococcus Faecalis' as well as viruses such as AIDS definitively and permanently. As IYONTEK, we bring the ionization technology, which has come into standard use in hospitals, hotels, municipalities and universities, to your facility in accordance with all standards.
The plumbing system, which is in constant contact with water, is exposed to corrosion, calcification and microbiological contamination (legionary, e-parcel). We eliminate all health and care risks with ion technology. Moreover, you do not need to use any chemical products.

Water Tanks, Towers and Farms
Disinfectants used in warehouses generally cannot prevent algae formation and therefore fungi and other microorganisms multiply.
In the drip irrigation system in agriculture, we prevent the lime in the water from forming a layer by keeping the inner surfaces of the installation pipes clean and algae-free. By preventing clogging, we enable healthy irrigation. It provides an environment for the healthy development of vegetables, fruits and all plants from seed germination. Bacterial contaminations such as Staphylococcus, Aureaus and E.Coli were completely eliminated in the livestock farms, and the birds whose problems such as muscle strength and shortness of breath were eliminated, fed better and increased their average weight by 15-20%.